
If you ask me one more time
I'll bite your head off
In the nicest way possible
I won't be overtly mean
Instead, you'll just see me fade from the background
Instantly sometimes
In increments otherwise
Insisting that I should be involved
Is the quickest way to seal your fate
Impatience as well
Initiates the self-destruct sequence
In what little explosive we have left
Instead, learn to wait
Investigate other champions, please
Identify the nature of your conundrum
Intensify your search and soul surrender
Inwardly sort your mess, don't air dirty laundry or stress
I implore: give others a break or more strands will be broken
Inch your way to light at the end of the tunnel
I've had to do that myself -- you'll be better for it
Invite resistance to let others always scratch your itch
I'm not always going to be a staunch stalwart
I flip and peter out too
Impetuousness, you must learn to subdue
If you don't want it to subdue you
Ideally, you should have already used your legs by now to stand
It's not too late, however
Instigate change
Institute reform
Impel yourself to arise and move forward
Instead of being caged and held back
It's totally up to you


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