These and a Box of Soap

Forty days. From the time our government announced that the country would be placed under a community quarantine to stave off the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, people have been experiencing different kinds of challenges and dilemmas brought about by the confinement of body and mind within the four walls of our homes. Forty days. Every week we would see statistics go up, go down, and go back up again. The number of deaths would be determined by the condition of the immune system of the infected. The number of the infected would be determined by the compliance and common sense of the healthy. The healthy would most probably determine the number of days the pandemic will last: if either or both compliance and common sense were readily found in the citizenry. Forty days. A lot can happen in six weeks. Even in quarantine. A lot. Something good. Something bad. Maybe a bit of both. With this unprecedented global pandemic somewhat shutting down most of the wo...