Object of Affections

Set Gather Talk Ponder Sturdy and dependable Making people understandable Eat Pray Chat And play Level-headed; plain Uncomplicated brain Draw Write Greet Fight No sides ever taken Ears ever awakened Scratches Spills Homework And bills Wisdom clearly unspoken Not a trivial token Biscuits Tea Bibles Congee Every consumption noted Though never getting bloated Movies Songs And some Sing-alongs Heard every word Cool kids and nerds Diapers Milk Pillows In silk Held up the sleeping Carried the weeping Letters Tears Blessings And fears Witness to lives lived out That's what it's about Solace Solitude Attributes Attitude Long-standing, standing strong Steady amidst the throng Constant, ever-silent still Force of nature; iron will Inclusive; no exceptions Straightforward; no pretensions Affording all equality Embracing anonymity Set Gather Talk Ponder . . . . . . . . . .