The One Still Looking for a Correlation

I have always been wary about formal meetings and corporate gatherings. Whenever I get called to one of these, I always feel uncomfortable and out place. I always feel like at anytime I am going to be called out and be made a public spectacle of. For a long time I have always wondered why I felt this. I could probably trace it back to a traumatic childhood experience, yes; but over the years, the reason for this dislike to "official" get-togethers became more clear.

Okay, okay! I'm not taking a jab at people who gather together for meetings to make plans to get things done, because many times they do just that: make plans and get things done. There's certainly great value to consolidating our time, effort and resources to achieve great goals. And I'm all for that.

The thing I want to point out though is when these gatherings are turned into pissing contests by the "bigwigs" and the "who's who": people who deemed themselves very important in the grand cosmic scheme of things, when in reality none of us are.

I've been to many meetings in my lifetime. Too many meetings. Some of them had me wishing I had never participated in the first place. I've been to meetings where the only thing that was accomplished was the diplay of so-and-so's credentials, accolades and achievements: I find this annoying and unproductive.

I would rather go out there and DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE instead of just sitting around in a room enduring all the useless grandstanding. I want my feet on the ground, my hands in the dirt (figuratively) and my face with people where I know I can get much more done.

I don't like small talk. I dislike pointless discourses even more. I can't stand people who puff up their chest and spew volumes of words, but don't put their money where their mouth is. My sentiment is along the lines of a lyric from a Switchfoot song: I'm still looking for a correlation between what you say and how they roll.


  1. Ah, people who sound good on paper. More annoying than a noisy gong or clanging cymbal?

    I don’t know why this brings to mind Ed Sheeran’s What Do I Know.


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