The One with the Deadly Vocation

I wrote this "poem" in October of 2014 as a favor for my pastor friend for their Pastors' Appreciation Celebration held in the church I used to go to.

It was (and still is) entitled "The Pastor's Call", but I'd like to rename it for this blog entry as "THE DEADLY VOCATION"! Hahaha!

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To rise above the love of self
And live beyond the lure of wealth
To run the race, forsaking all
Of such is made the pastor’s call

To lead by faith when there seems none
And carry on when hope seems gone
To build the bridge and watch the wall
Of such is made the pastor’s call

A pastor stands when others crumble
He lends a hand when others stumble
A pastor walks on, lowly, humble
And oftentimes required to tumble

A pastor guides when one is lost
He gives of self, he knows the cost
A pastor looks to Jesus’ cross
He lets Him take away the dross

To see ahead the winding path
And then avoid the aftermath
To keep the sheep from deadly fall
Of such is made the pastor’s call

To demonstrate the Father’s love
And show the world what God’s made of
To glorify the Lord of all
Of such is made the pastor’s call


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