The One with the Sentimental Streak

It seems to be an annual habit of mine (when my birthday comes around) that I tend to get sentimental and express what's in my heart and mind through verse and prose.

This year's natal day was no different.

I call this one 'For. To.' as a play on words on my age. ;)

- - - - -

For the things that once was said
To the loves that now lay dead
For the wounds that rendered scars
To the surface and the heart

For the strange familiar ways
To the one it led astray
For the former now forgot
To the man that I'm still not

For the face of future asked
To the days of pain unmasked
For the broken soul collect
To the knee that genuflects

For the will that stays unbent
To the strength that's left unspent
For the agony of wait
To the unrelenting state


  1. I'm trying to write my own version of this. For. One. Hahaha. It's hard!

    1. Sige! :) Looking For.Ward. :P

    2. But don’t For.Get that the operative word is “trying”, so don’t hold your breath. 😜


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