The One with the Really Bad Day

Why is it when you're having a really bad day and in a really bad mood, a series of irritating, annoying, vexing, patience-testing circumstances just keep coming at you like a flood?

The office has been overrun by children. It's become a daycare center. And any trace of workplace decorum and decibel levels have all but vanished in to the thick, palpable noise of unnecessary sounds.

It's become quite hard to concentrate in my work space unless I choose to drown out the loudness with music through noise-cancelling earphones, which sometimes can't cancel the noise.

I don't mind condescending to others and making room for their unique set of circumstances and personalities... but is it too much too ask for a little reciprocation? Can the consideration I've dished out somehow find it's way back to me, especially on days like this?

In the first place, the office is an office, not a nursery. Not a hangout place. Not a storage facility.


At the end of the day, it still  boils down to me. I have to adjust. I have to consider others.


Again, borrowing a sentiment from Jon Foreman:



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