Hidden Figures

The zeroes and ones, the fours and the threes
The digits that have some meaning to me
Significant numbers, ages and dates
Still figuring out these figures, of late

What's seventy-five? How does it compute?
It made me alive; a baby so cute!
Put nineteen before it; what do you get?
Four digits that tell of my own onset

Of course, don't forget! A zero and two
Just turn that around; that's twenty for you
It fell on a Monday, oh yes, it did!
The day of my birth; I opened my lids

There's also a ten, a relevant age
When chidlikeness lingered on from this stage
The curious, wide-eyed, quizzical boy
Accompanied manhood; anchored the joy

And then number two for girls who became
The two who held titles others can't claim
Two girlfriends in all for all of my life
I think I'm all good... 'til I find a wife

Thirteen for the day my father breathed last
His heart bade farewell, his shadow was cast
His legacy rich to me he bestowed:
Life live for Jesus on the narrow road

Eight is for Paris, my city of dreams
Later in winter, much better it seems
Seven long hours I spent to explore
Wish I had wisdom to stay a bit more

Many more numbers with meanings to tell
Some must stay hidden and shrouded as well
From cradle to grave, these figures abide
When your number's up it means time to die


  1. This is nice! Writing prompt? I’m enjoying these daily blogs. Keep ‘em coming.

    (I think I’ll take another crack at this poetry thing. ☺️)

  2. Writing prompt! Works wonders.

    Has it already become daily? 😊


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