
There are many days in my line of work when I get to do little to no work at all. These kinds of days allow me to write (more) and relax. However, the opposite of that are days that are way too hectic: schedules that are too close in proximity to one another; ministry that needs to be done in the same week; trips that happen in succession.

This week, I'm looking at only three work days but it actually feels so hectic and loaded.

I had just come from a three-day vacation in the southern part of the country, which really got me refreshed and excited about life again; but as I hit the ground running on the first of my three-day-work-week, I was met with a lot of pastoral concerns and membership issues that had me scratching my head, yet still feeling grateful that I had those three vacation days to get recharged.

Then, on the same day, Tuesday, I had to bring a new set of believers to the rehabilitation facility where we usually have a Monday a month to serve; I had to fetch the team from another city and drive them to the rehab center; I had preaching duties that night as well, teaching on prayer; I had to drive the team back to the other city; and then finally rushed to the bus station to catch 10pm trip.

Today, a Wednesday, although I don't have my usual 2pm Bible study or my twice-monthly young adults' fellowship, I feel kind of pressured and tense since I was just told I might take to the pulpit again on Sunday morning since our interim senior pastor is not feeling well. There's just something about that Sunday morning congregation that feels a bit more intimidating that the other services. I gotta learn to work around this, I know.

Still, trying to figure out what to speak about is always a challenge. But God always comes through for me.

I am looking forward to a dinner date tonight with one of my 'boys': salad and coffee are on the menu. Hopefully it'll be as relaxing as I imagine it would be.

Tomorrow, the third of my three-day-work-week, I am looking at a rescheduled Bible study at 8am, and perhaps two chapel classes within the day, both of which I haven't prepared for yet. #TeachersDoCramToo. But, yeah, I guess all these are just in need of time, energy and resource management. (Why are you blogging if your schedule's so hectic? Well, writing somehow relaxes me... and I have an audience to satisfy!)

I will be taking a leave from work, though. Friday and Saturday. I'll be headed to yet another island to celebrate my birthday with the folks (it's on the 20th, but don't tell anyone). My parents and I are supposedly going on a road trip to a place I have yet to google and find out about. Then I have to take the Saturday midnight boat back to Cebu... because I have to speak at the Sunday 9am service, which I also haven't prepared for!

Oh, and by the way, I am also preaching on this Sunday's 5pm service... after having my Bible study with my Kingdom Builders cell group. Wow! Wow! Wow! Hahaha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Looks like I'll be needing a double portion of God's grace for these days!

Sometimes tasks, ministry needs, preaching assignments are like oases in a dry, arid desert -- few and far between. But at other times, they come in droves and seemingly overwhelms you all at once -- like a crazy monsoon downpour.

I do know that this ebb and flow is a normal part of life. I guess I just still need to get used to the really busy days.

So, from today until the end this Sunday, my mindset will be #ChallengeAccepted. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!!!


  1. I wonder who's that Salad and Coffee guy? Hahaha

  2. : Hahaha. I think he's the one who also likes OneRepublic and enjoys beig a #FreeAgent! :P hahaha

  3. Hectic almost seems like an understatement. I felt short of breath reading this. But you (and God) got this! 😉

    (“...and I have an audience to satisfy.” ——-🤣🤣🤣)


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