The Line

A young woman stands on the shoreline of her island home and stares out into the horizon. Every day she repeats this ritual of looking far beyond the reach and beaches of her shores, wondering what the distance hid from her eyes. Her body language displays a deep set longing in her heart to wander off her isolated residence and explore the wider dimensions of a world she's barely begun to know.

"See the line where the sky meets the sea... it calls me!" She sings. And she sighs. And she longs for so much more.

In the film, Moana, the title character voices out what perhaps many of us are silently crying out: what's next? What's beyond the line that I so want to cross? When will I get to cross it, if at all?

The human heart seems to be inclined to thrive on the unquenchable, insatiable, unending longing for things that are yet out of reach and beyond our grasp. The irony of it all is that once the line has been crossed and the longing quelled, another line on the horizon catches our attention... and our hearts go pining for the distant once again.

The line seems to perpetually move with each yearning we quench. It sometimes gets frustrating that it does, when it does; when you once again feel the pangs of desiring what you do not have or doing something that you have not done.

Others would say that this moving line keeps life exciting and challenging... and I believe and agree that it does. It doesn't change the fact, however, that the transition from one longing sated to the inception of another creates such restlessness and discomfort that oftentimes shakes you to the core and makes you evaluate your entire life. It also makes you feel like you've just been moved back to square one, and every other accomplishment you have garnered over time rendered null and void.

See the line? It's moving again. As much as I detest this fact, I am compelled to chase after it in order to see what lies beyond the horizon. It calls me... it always does. And despite my frequent hesitation and procrastination, I always heed its call.


  1. A longing for what’s out there and a desire to be content with what’s here. Doesn’t it make your heart hurt? It does mine.

    (I’m actually glad you wrote this first. The perspective I was going with was way darker. #FeverishBrain)

  2. : I could actually go darker... But I prefer to keep my dark things where they belong: in the dark. 🙂


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