Why Are You Doing His Job?

You were told to love others
And teach them to obey
You were told to be gracious
And merciful each day
You were told to show humility
And impartiality
But I am just a bit dumbfounded;
Please enlighten me

Why do you play accuser?
Why won't you just sit still?
When you don't see the big whole
Just the holes you wish to fill
You spew forth deadly daggers
Without a second thought
That role is someone else's
It'll just bring you to rot

Why are you playing judge now?
Your sense of justice skewed
You seem to be lopsided
Decided but confused
Perhaps you should be judging
Your life instead of mine
Because, all things considered,
We fall short all the time

Why do you play condemner?
It's such a deadly game.
Unless you're full-time partner
In league with devil's fame
You really want to do right,
Do good, see justice done?
Then, leave it to the Perfect,
The Righteous, Holy One!

Why are you doing his job?
The devil's good at that
You were not formed and fashioned
To put on Tempter's hat
So please review the Scriptures
Your methods so amiss
You want to strengthen people
Not leave them feeling pissed


  1. Wise words. Well said. 🤓

    This is a good poem to print out and stick on one’s mirror as a #NoteToSelf. We forget to get off our high horse sometimes.

  2. : Thank you.

    Print away. 😊


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