Craving Connections

An exchange of thoughts and opinions. A shared laughter or a smile. An affirmation displayed through a listening ear or a pat on the back. These are some of the gestures that convey reception and relationship, which comprise the core need of a human being: to feel and be connected with another one and with one another.

Whether between a parent and a child, a husband and a wife,  siblings and friends, or even with perfect strangers, people have an innate desire to form relationships where they can find acceptance, forge trust, feel safe, and foster happiness.

Can I get a connection?

The world has become not only a small place in the last few decades, but it has also become a busy one with too much to do with what little time its people have. As if a typical 9-to-5, five-day-a-week work weren't enough to keep us humans occupied, we had to go and add sports, hobbies, travel, and other pursuits into the mix. Because of this, making deep and meaningful connections with people -- even family -- has become an arduous endeavor, and maintaining them just as demanding.

Can I get a connection?

The geographic distance between people separated by mountains, oceans, islands and continents has been somewhat rendered inert by innovations in communication and information technology, which rapidly morphs and upgrades on a regular basis. And yet, for people who are not separated by distance, technology actually puts a gap between them. The ones we care about who are just sitting or standing next to us can feel so far away and disconnected from us because they are too busy looking for connections on the information superhighway and on social media. Instead of enjoying one another face to face over a cup of coffee or during meal time, we end up isolating our selves in the midst of a busy crowd, chasing after busy schedules, living their busy lifestyle.

Can i get a connection?

Some of us desire close personal relationships with others but are hindered by the fear of human interaction. The very thing that would make us well-rounded individuals is the very thing that we get scared of diving into, disconnecting even before we make the desired connection. Sometimes it may take awhile for some of us to actually overcome this fear. But when we do, we make the most out of the connections we make.

Can I get a connection?

So, yeah. There is a craving for interpersonal connections. There is a desire for a personal connection. Getting there is as much of an adventure as keeping and maintaining it.

You can't walk around disconnected from others. You can't make it apart from your interconnectivity with other people. You might need to make connections as carefully as you can... but you have to make them nonetheless.

You can get a connection.

You should get a connection.


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