
There are only two factors that remain constant in this life: CHANGE. And GOD. No matter how hard we try to avoid either, we will always collide with one or both. No matter how hard we deny these two truths, we will always find ourselves surrendering to them -- willingly or otherwise. Regardless of race, culture, political view, economic standing and religious affiliation, change and God will permeate and dominate every aspect of our human existence.


CHANGE is inevitable.
Like the seasons in nature, which take their turn coming and going -- winter, spring, summer, fall -- change may happen without asking our permission or taking into account our personal preferences. Change may often happen in cyclical fashion with a certain degree of predictability. All we can really do is prepare for them in anticipation of their arrival, and walk through them and make adjustments in response to the length of their stay. We can't escape change.

CHANGE is indispensable.
If winter were a perennial phenomenon, life would probably be too drab and mundane; we would be perpetually frozen and frigid. If caterpillars remain crawling, chubby masses of cells, there would be no attractive butterflies to chase and gush over, paint pictures of, or create time-space issues around. If infants never learn to walk, talk, feed themselves and formulate thoughts, the world would be overrun by inept, clueless and selfish brats. We can't deny the value of change.

CHANGE is beautiful.
We see it in the way a bachelor shifts his focus from himself and onto the woman he loves; and in the way he does his best to accommodate her into his life. We see it in the blooming of colorful and fragrant flowers bursting through the white and frosty scenery of a departing winter. We see it in the way tiny and frail seedlings become majestic and strong fifty-foot trees. We can't ignore the sublimeness of change.

CHANGE requires a decision.
We oftentimes desire for change to come into our lives. In many instances, something is required of us and from us in order for change to come, and in order for us to survive and thrive in the changes that come. So, be it in our economic situation (where we long to get a pay upgrade to be able to travel more), in our relationship status (where we either are single and want to be bumped up to the couples' circle, or are in an unsatisfying relationship and want to be released back into the pool of eligibles), or in our spiritual life (where we need to reach a kind of closeness with God that we know we would significantly and holistically enrich us), many times a change from within us needs to happen so that a change in our circumstances can occur. We can't abdicate our role in change.

CHANGE is constant.
We may or may not always like the changes that take place in our lives, but they will always come. We may or may not always welcome change with confidence and open arms, but they will always arrive. We may often face some discomfort and anxiety at the cusp of great change, even when the impending change is expected, desired, or even prayed for. When the constancy of change seems to be more daunting than delightful, then we must look to the other factor in life that remains just as consistent as the cycle of change is:


Regardless of the changes that come and stay, God, when invited into our circumstances, will also come and stay. He resides with us and in us, and He brings with Him the certainty that life will be okay; a certainty that constant change doesn't always allude to.

God's character and qualities are as constant as change: He is loving, faithful, compassionate, merciful, generous, thoughtful, prompt, strong, dependable, infallible, and wise. He brings with Him security at every stage of life; security that constant change doesn't always promise.

God is in control of everything, whereas change requires His explicit approval to even begin to occur. Change may feel overwhelming in some cases, but God can overwhelm any change, any time.

Change comes and goes in clockwork fashion; may bring uneasiness and concern; has the potential to transform us, for better or for worse... but God is the overpowering force that change cannot resist, diminish, or contradict.


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