Throwback: Raise Your Voice

I entered 2019 with a very promising direction and a new-found relationship from God. Without warning, the forces of darkness worked immediately to sow fear, anxiety and confusion into what should have been unhindered bliss and rejoicing in the Lord. It wasn't until I felt that my back was pushed against a wall that a holy anger for the devil's minions arose from within me, prompting me to speak God's promises back to Him, and rebuke the enemies surrounding me and my girlfriend.

As I prayed over her and myself, I felt God's Spirit finally taking hold of our hearts, setting our souls at peace, and the demons of fear, anxiety and confusion, rendered powerless by the Name of Jesus.

This ten-year-old blog entry still strongly resonates with me, and I feel like this is a reminder for me to keep bathing my life, and my relationship with my girlfriend, in prayer, faith declarations, and Bible scriptures.

God's word is powerful!

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Raise Your Voice

My friend Edsel and I were leading worship the other night during our discipleship class and there the Lord wonderfully ministered to the students. Our instructor didn't show up so we were able to use the worship time to soak in the presence of God.

As the worship flowed, I felt the Spirit lead me to encourage my fellow students to raise their voice in praise to our God. The Lord put these words in my mouth: "If you are struggling, raise your voice to God in worship! If you have worries and problems, raise your voice to God in worship! If you have mountains standing before you, giants in your way, raise your voice to God in worship! Praise Him with your voice because it is your weapon of warfare!"

Then I remembered what my worship pastor and some of the ministers in my church said about the power of our words. We can use our voice to declare victories in our lives, to render the enemy powerless with the word of our testimony and to pull down strongholds by declaring the Lordship of Jesus.

Just as God's Word has power to create the universe and everything in it, our words have power too. As creations made in the image of God, He has given us the same creative power of the spoken word. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that "death and life are in the power of the tongue."

There is so much a declaration of faith can do in the spiritual. Our voices raised in faith can mean death to strongholds and principalities, bring an end to struggles and striving, break bondages and set us free. Our voices raised in worship can bring life to a dry and dying spirit, bring healing to the sick, usher in breakthroughs in all areas in our lives.

The Lord has been showing me and teaching me since last year that my voice, my declarations, my worship are strong weapons of spiritual warfare. And from Salome, my worship pastor, I have learned to raise up a shout and war in worship with my voice.

As worshippers of the Living God, we must learn to use our voice to speak life to one another and to the lost. We must learn to speak God's powerful words into our circumstances and declare His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

There is so much power in our tongue, in our words. When we pray and when we worship God with raised voices, demons tremble, cloudless skies break, kings and queens shake and circumstances bow down to Him.

Don't stay silent. Raise your voice and praise the Almighty God, and see how much power can be released in your life.


  1. Word! This one resonates powerfully with me. How timely!

    And beautifully articulated to. 👍🏻👍🏻


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