Fourteen Things

I don't have tricks and Valentine surprise
But what I have for you I'll publicize
These ten and four are things I love in you
Here's hoping you'll appreciate them, too

You have a way with words that's so unique
I hear it in your voice each time you speak
From random daily things to grandest schemes
To talking about God and online memes

And then you have a way with written words
You put a heart to nouns and chosen verbs
The way you paint scenarios in prose
The style you use in every one of those

I love how you adjust to what may come
You flex and shift to people, and then some
Adapting to what's needed at the time
But still yourself enough to call you mine

And then, there's you who overcame the mess
The one who grew resilient through stress
The challenges you faced emboldened you
Renewed your mind, and made you stronger, too

I am a fan of your persistent dreams
Of conquering the world, and more... it seems
Accomplish them, in time, I know you will
And I, right here, be your supporter still

You've done a lot as far as I can see
You'll do much more; trust God... and then trust me
Accomplished in your life, career, and faith
Achieve much more and bigger, just you wait

You're driven by pursuit of excellence
You give your all; half measures don't make sense
The best is what you want to give and get
Live life to fullest; leave without regret

Yet, while alive, you do it with good sense
Of fashion, style, and some updated trends
You wear your clothes with grace and modesty
Appropriate is apt; it's fine by me

I love the way you think of others, too
The way you sense their thoughts, and feelings true
You make sure that you don't leave an offense
And even try to mend a broken fence

And then I've always loved your open hand
The way you share yourself and understand
That wealth enriches when given away
On big events or any other day

Your active thoughts attract me; yes they do
They pull me even closer now to you
Your stories and ideas and the like
The conversations that you have with Mike

Of course, I'd be amiss if I don't say
Your smile to me's a killer every day
Those perfect teeth, those lips; they spread with ease
Let me the reason be, and always... please

Your wanderlust is only matched by mine
You'd travel more if you just had the time
We share that heart; itinerant at best
Til world is seen, I know you will not rest

And finally, one more attractive thing
It's how you love and praise your Holy King
Your Maker, Father, Savior, and your Guide
Brought us together, and He will abide

These fourteen things in you I really love
Are fourteen blessings come down from above
There's more to know and someday I will see
Much more than fourteen blessings await me


  1. Wow! The person you wrote this for would be crazy not to be madly in love with you. 😉

    So beautiful!


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