This Is It


Like spider webs spun
Between two majestic oaks
Line upon line, crisscrossing
Matching, missing, imploding
Tangential, incidental, intentional
Connections made on sticky words
Fluid moments and movements


Into the eye, enter the storm
A calm is found buried beneath the clouds
In raging tempest solace is found
And light and shadows mingle
It works, it dazzles and mystifies
Not everything makes sense
But all is comprehensible


You choose it or you lose it
That's really all there is
When rains pour on the cobwebs
Hold on tightly and love on brightly
When sun is shining, beaming
Embrace the rays, bask in it
Life still goes on, go onward


Quell curiosity to find more questions
Give all you have to gain everything
Nothing is lost in vulnerable state
Except our rusty shields
But swords exchanged to sharpen both
Each one, the other's pledged patrol
This is here, this is now, this is it


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