
As we journey throughout the span our lifetime, it is essential that we keep track of events that have marked our progression from one stage of life to another. There is an encouraging, edifying, and affirming corollary that comes out of reminiscing the successes, breakthroughs, and triumphs one has had in the past.

We oftentimes call these markers milestones, and they serve as points of reference for potential future victories over unforeseen hurdles that may or may not announce themselves.

I have just recently reminisced and evaluated my own set of milestones, having been in need of encouragement, edification, and affirmation. The last ten years are laden with these markers.

Blessed with the ability to hear God calling me to pursue full-time ministry. Equally blessed to have gotten my parents' confirmation and affirmation of the path I decided to take.

Made it through an intense year of family illness, death, financial need, healing, restoration, and protection. God showed Himself strong in so many tangible ways. My mother survived breast cancer, and found a closer relationship with God.

Two major breakthroughs for this year: the resolution of a financial dilemma caused by my negligence, and the closure of an unhealthy relationship caused by my immaturity. I have many times used the dates of these two victories as a reminder to demons who try to taunt me that these issues are done deals. It works... every time.

My family was taken care of by God: He relocated all of them to New Zealand. A major relationship conflict between me and another member of our church became instrumental in dealing with my timidity and fear-of-man issues. That relationship has been restored in spades.

Got ordained as a minister, and received vindication from God in full view of the public. Was able to serve Him by serving the victims of typhoon Haiyan in the Central Visayas region: it was an eye-opening and soul-enriching experience.

Got licensed as a minister this year; yet another affirmation and vindication from God. The nations opened up to me: my first international travel had me stopping over two countries (China and Australia) before arriving to my destination (New Zealand). Later on God spelled it out for me, saying I C.A.N. now go to the nations! I was blown away by New Zealand... that's all I can publicly say for now.

More international doors opened for me as God gave me the opportunity to go to Europe for a three-month missions trip with a lot of sight-seeing on the side; all extravagantly funded by my heavenly Father.

Grew in Kingdom authority as the young adults' ministry started to gain footing and find its rhythm. Had my second trip to New Zealand and saw more of the country's spiritual and physical terrain.

Received a hyper-specific prophetic word confirming my itinerant future. Set foot in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The culmination of three years of praying and waiting resulted in me becoming someone's atypical boyfriend. This was a year of intensified travel within the Philippines, with trips made to Northern Luzon, Metro Manila, and Cebu province.

The year started with God confirming the veracity of two major decisions I have made. He also reinforced the near-fulfillment of several of the promises he made.

None of us really know what the future holds for us or where it might lead. Thinking about that almost always brings us anxiety and uncertainty, if we're not careful.

The milestones in our lives help us remember the stages of the past that we have gone through, the struggles we have overcome, the opportunities we have walked into.

They also serve as reminders -- encouragements and affirmations -- that the God who accompanied us in each of the past miles will still walk with us in the upcoming miles in our journey.

He is after all the God Who goes the distance; the One Who puts those mile makers in place for us.


  1. There is much to be thankful for, indeed. This post, and the candor with which you shared it, has utterly blessed me.


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