Parental Throwback: We Teach

It's become a habit of mine lately to get really old articles from one of my past blogs, and re-post them here under my 'throwback' series. This time around, however, the article I chose also fits into my parenting series category, so I guess this entry is going be a two-birds-with-one-stone kind of deal here.

As an introduction to this blast from the past (for my Parental Guidance readers), the Bible clearly instructs fathers and mother in Proverbs 22:6 to "train up a child in the way he should go" so that "when he is old, he will not depart from" whatever lesson or principle his parents have taught him. I wrote this blog entry over ten years ago keeping in mind the dynamic between the two generations in the body of Christ -- the old and the young. Nevertheless, having read it again a decade later, I realized these truths were super-applicable in the parenting arena.

God bless you as you read!

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This is part of the Great Commission. And we are all called to do it. Some may be more anointed for it than others, but that doesn't make that an excuse to not teach. It's the same with evangelism. It's the same with healing, and preaching. We're all called to do it regardless of the levels of anointing.

So, we teach. We teach the young to mature. We teach the lost the way to salvation. We teach children to obey their parents; wives to submit to husbands; husbands to love their wives. We teach humility to the arrogant. We teach self-control to the willful. We teach people to praise and worship in spirit and in truth.

We teach.

Without the passing on of what the older generation knows to the younger one, there will be much more than just culture, education and heritage that will be lost. The greatest price that will be paid for the lack -- and, God forbid, absence -- of instruction is the loss of vision. And the Bible says that without vision, God's people perish.

We teach.

The Elisha generation are a fledgling batch of prophets, preachers, teachers, apostle and pastors in the making. They are presidents, governors, engineers, nurses, businessmen, policemen and artists in seed form. We teach them so they can learn what we have learned from God through our own mentors and leaders. We teach them so they can stand on their own two feet, then onto our shoulders and see much farther than we ever saw, go farther than we ever went, and reach higher than we ever reached.

We teach.

We pass not only the baton to the Joshua generation but also the vision the Lord has given the Moses generation. We pass on the wisdom and the discipline. We pass on the courage and the faith. We pass on the pursuit and the perseverance. We pass it on through teaching.

We teach.

We serve by teaching. We serve by imparting. We serve by rebuking, correcting, instructing and training. But all this is useless if the Timothy generation do not receive from the Paul generation. No amount of teaching can ever penetrate a heart shut up by pride and apathy. Our words cannot reach a mind set on things other than Kingdom things. But we still teach.

We teach...

...not because it is easy, but because it is essential. We teach not because it is a chore, but because it is a calling. We teach not because it is wanted, but because it is needed. We teach what we know, what we have received from the Lord in the hopes that the vision will be caught and catch on.

We teach.

We have to.

We must.

We need to.

We will.

We should.

We teach.


  1. This is a sobering thought. It’s quite an uphill battle in this generation; but we still teach.


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