
If you're eagle-eyed you're sure to notice
From miles away with certainty
There's no way that you'd be fooled by all this
You've unwrapped all the mystery

You see a player on top of his game
Go scoff at all the fun he's had
His method besmirches every man's name
You just want to bury this cad

Perhaps he's one who's nestled in her arms
Feigning much sensitivity
She is obviously smitten by his charms
So sly, smooth, so velvety

You say, "Hey, pal! I know what you're doing!
Heartbreaker's what you really are!
To you she's just fiery pleasure brewing
To her she's a fragile, bright star!"

Another one on the horizon far
Looks like he's running, on the take
Maybe he left a trail of lover scars
You should tell him to have a break

Tell this dude to quit while he is ahead
Before the bitter overflows
Or the dark comes and chokes the sweet instead
What that looks like, only God knows

Affection like confection: saccharine
At other times so unpleasant
Sometimes so hard to find out what it means
But it still comes back, incessant

Just have some portions in moderation
Not all kinds will sate your sweet tooth
Some will leave a vile sensation
But some will love and lead you to the truth


  1. Brilliant and cleverly crafted! Wow! 👍🏻👍🏻

  2. ...and the truth shall prevail forever!


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