Hey, Boy!

Sit and listen, then listen and wait
Two years ago you were only eight
Back then just colors, so little care
Your life so simple, from here to there

Opened to music both of your ears
Heart full of wonder, mind filled with fears
Hindsight would say you were wide-eyed still
Decades from now you will have your fill

Five years on down you will be fifteen
Taking the path of somebody's dream
Not yet prepared for choosing a path
Never prepared for Science and Math

In over your head, drowning at best
Trying to swim, yearning to find rest
Be not afraid when failures betide
They soon will to your own dreams be guide

Eleven more years ahead in time
You first heartbreak will not be sublime
Gave all your heart, you were quite naive
Emotions misled, feelings deceived

Teardrops you shed will teach what you need
Relationships hurt, bring pain indeed
Yet you become wise from here on in
Every end is a chance to begin

And further on down, twenty-three years
Encounter Love, He'll quell all your fears
Embrace all He is; He's all you need
Love Him in heart, in mind and in deed

Yield all that is broken and what's whole
He will patch up your rickety soul
Restore you to who you truly are
Bring healing, remove all of your scars

Twenty-eight years; I've been there you see
You'll set a foot on your destiny
Favor and love affirmed at this stage
Body and soul to Spirit engaged

Fear of opinions splinter and break
You'll firmly stand on Truth; be awake
Proving yourself will be obsolete
Now in your Father you're made complete

Sit and listen, then listen and wait
Ten to forty-three, processed by faith
Peaks and valleys, your highs and your lows
You feel small now but someday you'll grow

Keep your heart humble, keep your mind keen
Set your hopes high, save all of your dreams
Walk under patience, watch what you say
Don't become bitter, don't go astray

Shrug off the flak and shake off the dust
Take a long break, breathe deep if you must
Don't be defined by those senseless words
Be your own man, don't follow those herds

Sit and listen, then listen and wait
Today's just one, the future is great
Small steps, small acts lead to bigger things
One day you'll see you've sprouted some wings


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