Do You See?

On the bus
In my brain
When the sun's out
When it rains
In the dark
In the light
Whether near or
Out of sight
On my desk
In my phone
At the outdoors
All alone
At the park
By the sea
On my mind still
Do you see?

On two feet
With such fun
It's the same thought
Sitting down
Standing up
Sipping coffee
Off a cup
Walking fast
Walking slow
You in my head
Whether full
Whether free
You on my mind
Do you see?

Or descend
Round and round now
There's no end
Write with pen
Type online
All your stories
Merge with mine
Just a thought
Makes me smile
Keeps me going
Makes my while
Mountain high
Valley deep
Do you see?

On my bed
On my back
No clue just how
To react
Your visage
Or your voice
Makes me simply
Lose my poise
Every word
Every faux pas
All of me
That's what you do
Do you see?


  1. Wow! This is fun and witty and... awesome. 😍



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