Fear is a Liar

A few days ago my fiancee SURVIVED a motor vehicle accident involving an overspeeding SUV that ran a red light. The driver was apparently a speed-demon and probably fell asleep on the wheel, failing to notice that it was their turn to stop. My fiancee’s car was hit on the driver’s side somewhere between the hinge of the door and the front of the automobile. One of the emergency respondents said she was fortunate that the SUV hit her car at that exact spot as it absorbed most of the impact of the crash. Had it been a few inches toward the front door, the outcome would have been tragic. Hearing this incident unfold was enough to make my skin crawl, conjuring images of my fiancee severely physically injured or, worse, dead. I can only imagine the shock and fear she must have felt during and/or after the incident. Certainly I felt a great scare on the day the accident happened, and a few days afterward. The pervading rumination was ‘she could have died,’ or ‘she could have been...