Check the Label

You go into a grocery store and you'll find it. Purchase an electronic product or an appliance and you'll see it. Venture into a construction or road works area and it'll be highly visible. They're tacked on to things and posted in places where caution is of great import.

Warning labels.

They inform consumers of potential allergens in food items so that harm could be avoided. They warn users of possible hazards when it comes to operating tech devices and common household appliances to assure safety. They keep the people away from dangerous industrial and public work areas so that no accidents occur.

That's what these labels are for: to know how to properly use and operate things, and to always operate them within safe parameters.

Many times, I have wished people came with warning labels because sometimes you just really do not know what you're getting when you get into certain human relationships. There's oftentimes no way of knowing who's emotionally volatile or psychologically imbalanced until it's too late, and relations have already been strained, or worse, irreparably broken down.

On the topic of warning labels, though, my fiancee and I threw this question to one another: what would your cautionary tag say if you came with one? It took me a while to come up with an answer, and an even longer time to write about it.

As I thought about this more and more, there was only one quick answer that came to mind: "CAUTION: HANDLE WITH CARE!"

Now, I am by no means demanding as a person and, to be honest, I require little maintenance if you were privileged enough to have a close relationship with me. But I would like to issue this warning to anyone who would like to have even the most basic human interaction with me: HANDLE ME WITH CARE BECAUSE THAT'S HOW I DEAL WITH ALL MY RELATIONSHIPS.

By 'care' I mean 'respect'

Be careful with me by being respectful of my preferences, opinions, beliefs, and lifestyle. Each of us human beings have been given the ability to choose how to live and what to do with our lives. I can respect you, your life choices, and your beliefs because it is your right and your prerogative. If you can extend the same respect to me, then my personal 'label' would have lived out its purpose.

By 'care' I mean 'courtesy'

Be careful with me by being courteous even if you hate my guts. I am after all made in the image and likeness of God as you are. Extending that basic courtesy of honoring that divine image in each one of us shouldn't really be a stretch because I think no one in their right mind would want to dishonor God and His image. However, if that doesn't work for you, then be courteous to me out of reciprocation: if I've been nice to you, please be nice to me in return.

By 'care' I mean 'consideration'

Be careful with me by thinking about my welfare and feelings, not just your own. I get that we live in a world that is now consumed by selfishness -- the 'me, myself, and I' culture -- but you don't have to be swept up in and adhere to that lifestyle. It really pays to consider the well-being of others and how your words and actions can affect them. Kindness and thoughtfulness really do go a long, long way, and they help to make the world a better place.

By 'care' I mean 'value'

Be careful with me by putting value in your relationship with me. In specific terms, that would look like the following: you speaking to me in a kind and respectful manner, even when we are in disagreement; you preferring the relationship over being right in an argument; you rebuking and correcting me in a constructive, life-affirming way, and not in an abrasive, destructive manner. Me? I'll do the same for you... oftentimes at the expense of my own comfort and desire to prove that I am right... because I want to handle you with care as well.

The world is not a perfect place. Far from it, really. Even with everyone wearing warning labels, there will still be some selfish, egotistic, inconsiderate individuals who will want to shake things up by being "themselves" and ignore said labels.

For the rest of my life I know people will not always handle me with care. I can't force them to, and I can't blame them if they won't. That's on them. But if you're reading this and you want to be treated with dignity, respect, honor, consideration, and value -- as I want to be -- then the best place for you and I to start carving out the world we want is to treat others with dignity, respect, honor, consideration, and value... even when they do not... will not... or cannot.

Ultimately, we need to handle others with care for two reasons: first, we will be better for it, regardless of what the voice of selfishness says; and second, we will all have to answer to a Higher Power sooner or later, and I would rather err on the side of caution than to have to explain to God why I mistreated the people He has created in His divine image.

So... consider yourself warned.


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