Man for All Seasons

Halloween strikes again! There are those in the Christian community that have been roused to an uproar about how some believers should not participate in the festivities. After all -- they'd say -- these celebratory gatherings, gestures and gaieties are dedicated to the prince of darkness himself, and Christians should have nothing to do with that! Rightly so! I am on board with what they are saying, being a fellow believer and all that. The powers and influence of darkness are certainly things we should never trifle with. In fact, the Bible says we have all been called out of darkness into His marvelous light. No reason we should go back in there if we've already left it. However, I want to present an idea that's been rumbling about in my mind for quite some time now. Paul, the Apostle, got the wheels in my head turning when he said: "To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (tho...